

Across the globe, cultures and generations Camp of God family will equip and train people with the truth of God’s Word to be maturing followers of Christ who are making disciples around the world. “Total gospel to total world at any cost”

We value the teaching role of the Holy Spirit, which is essential to biblical understanding.

We value Christ’s five-fold gifts that equip the church leading to assurance, maturity, and unity.

We value the fruit of experience, which can transfer wisdom and insight.

We value the rhema word of God that can come in the special moments of intentional learning.

We value the sharpening effect of sincere dialogue and loving interaction that leads to personal growth and transformation.

We value those who aspire to be equipped to serve the Lord within their appointed spheres of influence.

We value the investment made by those who provide God honoring resources for kingdom purposes.

We value the Word of God and its power to inform and transform.

We value the abiding presence of Jesus Christ.

The worth and dignity of the individual

The authority of the Word of God

The priority of servant-hood

The practice of integrity

The responsibility of stewardship

The call of evangelism

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