

For Completion of any 24 Courses


Advance Diploma in Biblical Studies offer you an exciting opportunity to; learn more about biblical believes, teach more effectively,  master  the skills of good preaching to the unsaved , learning more about mission and evangelism for lost souls, develop a spiritual approach toward leadership responsibilities, and to learn Biblical principal and methods to better counsel and help people.

Advance Diploma in Biblical Studies Tuition, Fees and Study Materials includes Certificate, and Diploma in Biblical Studies Tuition , fees, and Study materials.


  • 24 Courses Completion
  • 6 Credit Hour per Course
  • 2 Hours Class Per Week
  • 3 Weeks per Course
  • Affordable
  • Accredited
  • Pay-as-you-go without
    loans or interest
  • Stay in your present home
    and job

Course Enquire

Equiry Form- Destop







Believers, Church Leaders, Equivalent

24 Months

Course Enquire

Equiry Form-Mobile



We Currently running 24 months Advance Diploma Program in Biblical Studies. Each Course meet for Six Hours of Class time.

Our classes meet only one time each week

Tuesday: 7.00pm  –  9.00pm

Saturday: 10.00am – 12.00pm

Student Materials

Camp of God Bible Institute Students will study chronologically through the ENTIRE BIBLE and systematically through every major doctrine with an interactive DVD Video format utilizing student workbooks, charts, 3D maps and images to produce a unique and engaging learning experience.

We provide everything you need!

  • Textbooks & Workbooks
  • Tests and Grading
  • Report Cards Certificates & Diplomas
  •  Full Support Staff to answer any questions and assist you in making your school a success.


  • Each student will need access to a KJV Bible for reading the homework assignments.
  • Every student is given a workbook for each course in which they enroll.

Attendance Requirement

Student are only allowed 1 absence 3 per 3 weeks course duration. Each absence after two reduces the final grade by 2 letters. 2 absences will result in no credit for the course

For Completion of any 24 Courses. 



  1. Basic Bible Doctrine
  2. Personal Evangelism
  3. Gospel of Mark
  4. Psalm 23
  5. Book of Proverbs
  6. Christ the Teacher
  7. The Biblical Family
  8. Peter, Paul & John the Baptist
  9. Book of Philippians
  10. Spiritual Power in Teaching
  11. Christ’s Words from the Cross
  12. Christian Warfare
  13. Discipleship Training
  14. Bible & Science
  15. Key Words of the Christian Life
  16. Church History
  17. Present Labor & Future Rewards
  18. Book of Revelation
  19. 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  20. God’s Wonderful Promises
  21. Colossians
  22. Surviving an Economic Meltdown
  23. Seven Churches of Revelation
  24. Spiritual Leadership
  25. Book of Nehemiah
  26. Character Development
  27. Bible and Prayer
  28. God in American History
  29. Book of Ruth
  30. Bible Times & Customs
  31. Old Testament Survey 1
  32. Old Testament Survey 2
  33. New Testament Survey
  34. Christ Our Sufficiency
  35. Humility
  36. Christ in the Tabernacle
  37. Study of Daniel
  38. Jesus, the Vine
  39. Winning Over Worry
  40. Principles of Spiritual Growth
  41. Handling Adversity
  42. War Against Fear
  43. Overcoming Uncertain Season
  44. Making the most of Godly Opportunity
  45. Understanding Devil Devices
  46. Grace Doctrine
  47. Great Revival, Great Revivalist
  48. Study of Angels
  49. Christian/Leadership Ethics
  50. Stewardship

Choose A Program Designed for You

We’ve designed our programs to benefit students in three primary ways: lower cost, smaller class sizes, and a Christ-centered focus.

We realize there are many people interested in pursuing their calling and need to be preparing for that special career yet are held back by the need to balance family, career, finances, and faith. You’ll find that Camp of God Bible Institute has created a dynamic and fully Christ Centered program to fit people’s busy lives.

No matter what your calling, gift, talent and passion, you’ll find your place at Camp of God Bible Institute

Tuition, Textbooks, and Fees

Camp of God Bible Institute is one of the most affordable Bible Institute around.

Tuition, Fees and Study Materials Per Course

Status New Returning Spouse Late Registration Fees
One Time Application Fee $20.00 $15.00 $15.00

Due to the nature our program, late registration is not encouraged. However, if a student registered too late and we may have to make a rush order for their materials

Late fees shall be applied:

  • Application Fees: $50.00
  • Tuition fee Per Course: $200.00
  • Study Materials Per Course: $40.00
Tuition Per Program (One Time Payment) $150.00 $100.00 $100.00

Study Materials Per Course : $30.00
($30.00 X 24 Courses)

$720.00 $720.00 $720.00


$890.00 $835.00 $835.00


Tuition, Fees and Study Materials Payment

  • Tuition, Application fee and first-class cost are due during initial Enrollment.
  • Subsequent Class Cost must be paid 2 Weeks before the Class Starts
  • All Payment are due 2 Weeks before the class starts.

Methods of Payment

After the initial payment of your application fees, students may make debit/credit card* payments on there Student portal and clicking on “Fees/Payment Plans” to pay for their tuition fees or any other payments. (Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted*).

Students may also use this portal to authorize other parties to pay toward their school bill.

*Payments made by credit/debit card may incur a 2.75% Service fee.

Graduation Fee:

  • Graduation Banquet per Student: $100
  • Cap & Gown: Student shall order for theirs. Information shall be provided
  1. Certificate in Biblical Studies: Banquet (Cap & Gowns not required)
  2. Diploma in Biblical Studies: Banquet, Cap & Gowns required
  3. Advance Diploma in Biblical Banquet, Cap & Gowns required
  4. Associate Degree: Banquet, Cap & Gowns required
  5. Bachelors Decree: Banquet, Cap & Gowns required

Refund Policy:

Dropping courses may have financial penalties and academic penalties. Students who drop courses 2 Weeks before the start date will receive full credit on their accounts for all payments made (if applicable) toward tuition fees and Study Materials fees

Should the student be terminated, or the registration is canceled for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following refund schedule:

  1. Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day, but before the first day of class, will result in a refund of all monies paid except for the application fee.
  2. Cancellation of the contract by the student must be made by certified mail or in person and in writing.

Camp of God Bible Institute will refund:

  1. 100% of tuition charges if the student withdrawal takes place within five (5) calendar days after signing an Enrollment Agreement and making an initial payment.
  2. The Drop/Add period is the first five days of classes (Monday through Friday) close of business. There will be a refund if the student withdraws “on” or during the drop/add week.
  3. If the student withdraws after the drop/add week, their refund will follow the following schedule:
  • 2ndWeek of class – 75%
  • 3rdWeek of class and later – No refund.
  • We offer 75% refund for unused workbook and textbook

Application fees are non-refundable and must be paid in U. S. dollars.

  1. If the college does not accept the enrollment, all monies paid by the student to the college shall be refunded and the student and college shall be released from further obligation.
  2. If a student is withdrawn from a class due to a class cancellation, the student is entitled to a full refund.
  3. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination or receipt of cancellation notice.

Subject to the date of official withdrawal, tuition and fees will be refunded according to the schedule above. Should disciplinary measures that require the withdrawal of a student the above refund schedule will apply.




We Currently running 24 months Advance Diploma Program in Biblical Studies. Each Course meet for Six Hours of Class time.

Our classes meet only one time each week

Tuesday: 7.00pm  –  9.00pm

Saturday: 10.00am – 12.00pm

Student Materials

Camp of God Bible Institute Students will study chronologically through the ENTIRE BIBLE and systematically through every major doctrine with an interactive DVD Video format utilizing student workbooks, charts, 3D maps and images to produce a unique and engaging learning experience.

We provide everything you need!

  • Textbooks & Workbooks
  • Tests and Grading
  • Report Cards Certificates & Diplomas
  •  Full Support Staff to answer any questions and assist you in making your school a success.


  • Each student will need access to a KJV Bible for reading the homework assignments.
  • Every student is given a workbook for each course in which they enroll.

Attendance Requirement

Student are only allowed 1 absence 3 per 3 weeks course duration. Each absence after two reduces the final grade by 2 letters. 2 absences will result in no credit for the course

For Completion of any 24 Courses. 



  1. Basic Bible Doctrine
  2. Personal Evangelism
  3. Gospel of Mark
  4. Psalm 23
  5. Book of Proverbs
  6. Christ the Teacher
  7. The Biblical Family
  8. Peter, Paul & John the Baptist
  9. Book of Philippians
  10. Spiritual Power in Teaching
  11. Christ’s Words from the Cross
  12. Christian Warfare
  13. Discipleship Training
  14. Bible & Science
  15. Key Words of the Christian Life
  16. Church History
  17. Present Labor & Future Rewards
  18. Book of Revelation
  19. 1 & 2 Thessalonians
  20. God’s Wonderful Promises
  21. Colossians
  22. Surviving an Economic Meltdown
  23. Seven Churches of Revelation
  24. Spiritual Leadership
  25. Book of Nehemiah
  26. Character Development
  27. Bible and Prayer
  28. God in American History
  29. Book of Ruth
  30. Bible Times & Customs
  31. Old Testament Survey 1
  32. Old Testament Survey 2
  33. New Testament Survey
  34. Christ Our Sufficiency
  35. Humility
  36. Christ in the Tabernacle
  37. Study of Daniel
  38. Jesus, the Vine
  39. Winning Over Worry
  40. Principles of Spiritual Growth
  41. Handling Adversity
  42. War Against Fear
  43. Overcoming Uncertain Season
  44. Making the most of Godly Opportunity
  45. Understanding Devil Devices
  46. Grace Doctrine
  47. Great Revival, Great Revivalist
  48. Study of Angels
  49. Christian/Leadership Ethics
  50. Stewardship

Choose A Program Designed for You

We’ve designed our programs to benefit students in three primary ways: lower cost, smaller class sizes, and a Christ-centered focus.

We realize there are many people interested in pursuing their calling and need to be preparing for that special career yet are held back by the need to balance family, career, finances, and faith. You’ll find that Camp of God Bible Institute has created a dynamic and fully Christ Centered program to fit people’s busy lives.

No matter what your calling, gift, talent and passion, you’ll find your place at Camp of God Bible Institute

Tuition, Textbooks, and Fees

Camp of God Bible Institute is one of the most affordable Bible Institute around.

Tuition, Fees and Study Materials Per Course

New Student 


One Time Application Fee:


Tuition Per Program
(One Time Payment) 


Study Materials Per Course:
$30.00 ($30.00 X 24 Courses)   




Returning Student   


One Time Application Fee:


Tuition Per Program
(One Time Payment) 


Study Materials Per Course:
$30.00 ($30.00 X 24 Courses)   






One Time Application Fee:


Tuition Per Program
(One Time Payment) 


Study Materials Per Course:
$30.00 ($30.00 X 24 Courses)   


One Time Application Fee:


Late Registration Fees

Due to the nature our program, late registration is not encouraged. However, if a student registered too late and we may have to make a rush order for their materials

Late fees shall be applied:

  • Application Fees: $50.00
  • Tuition fee Per Course: $200.00
  • Study Materials Per Course: $40.00

Tuition, Fees and Study Materials Payment

  • Tuition, Application fee and first-class cost are due during initial Enrollment.
  • Subsequent Class Cost must be paid 2 Weeks before the Class Starts
  • All Payment are due 2 Weeks before the class starts.

Methods of Payment

After the initial payment of your application fees, students may make debit/credit card* payments on there Student portal and clicking on “Fees/Payment Plans” to pay for their tuition fees or any other payments. (Discover, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted*).

Students may also use this portal to authorize other parties to pay toward their school bill.

*Payments made by credit/debit card may incur a 2.75% Service fee.

Graduation Fee:

  • Graduation Banquet per Student: $100
  • Cap & Gown: Student shall order for theirs. Information shall be provided
  1. Certificate in Biblical Studies: Banquet (Cap & Gowns not required)
  2. Diploma in Biblical Studies: Banquet, Cap & Gowns required
  3. Advance Diploma in Biblical Banquet, Cap & Gowns required
  4. Associate Degree: Banquet, Cap & Gowns required
  5. Bachelors Decree: Banquet, Cap & Gowns required

Refund Policy:

Dropping courses may have financial penalties and academic penalties. Students who drop courses 2 Weeks before the start date will receive full credit on their accounts for all payments made (if applicable) toward tuition fees and Study Materials fees

Should the student be terminated, or the registration is canceled for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following refund schedule:

  1. Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day, but before the first day of class, will result in a refund of all monies paid except for the application fee.
  2. Cancellation of the contract by the student must be made by certified mail or in person and in writing.

Camp of God Bible Institute will refund:

  1. 100% of tuition charges if the student withdrawal takes place within five (5) calendar days after signing an Enrollment Agreement and making an initial payment.
  2. The Drop/Add period is the first five days of classes (Monday through Friday) close of business. There will be a refund if the student withdraws “on” or during the drop/add week.
  3. If the student withdraws after the drop/add week, their refund will follow the following schedule:
  • 2ndWeek of class – 75%
  • 3rdWeek of class and later – No refund.
  • We offer 75% refund for unused workbook and textbook

Application fees are non-refundable and must be paid in U. S. dollars.

  1. If the college does not accept the enrollment, all monies paid by the student to the college shall be refunded and the student and college shall be released from further obligation.
  2. If a student is withdrawn from a class due to a class cancellation, the student is entitled to a full refund.
  3. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination or receipt of cancellation notice.

Subject to the date of official withdrawal, tuition and fees will be refunded according to the schedule above. Should disciplinary measures that require the withdrawal of a student the above refund schedule will apply.





Begin application by filling all details in and requirement our application form and paying a one time application fee


After Admissions has been granted and all required payments has been made, you will begin documentation processes on our portal


Begin taking classes online/offline and get certified, equipped and trained with the truth of God's Word to be maturing followers of Christ.




  • Camp of God Bible Institute exists to develop world-impacting Christian leaders through biblical, theological and ministerial training that is high-quality, affordable and accessible.

    Akinruli Paul
  • Camp of God Bible Institute exists to develop world-impacting Christian leaders through biblical, theological and ministerial training that is high-quality, affordable and accessible.

    Adedipe Tunji