

Two Full Days of Training Workshops/Certification


Chaplains are trained and professionally competent to provide spiritual counsel and emotional support to anyone who may be experiencing traumatic stressful life situations.  They function as an integral member of the community to meet the spiritual and emotional needs of the sick and suffering, the distressed and dying.

Our curriculum includes workshop instruction and group interaction designed to equip compassionate people with basic skills and concepts that will enable them to provide competent spiritual support to patients and families dealing with traumatic life loss.  It is inclusive of many aspects of everyday life occurrences that can render one unable to recover without intervention.  Question/answer sessions leave attendees empowered to fulfill their call as a chaplain.


Crisis & Disaster Chaplaincy provides basic crisis chaplaincy training to introduce ordinary people to the extraordinary opportunity of volunteer chaplaincy.  Pastors and chaplains are very different!  Pastors provide spiritual care to people inside the walls of a church to those of similar faith while chaplains minister to the spiritual and emotional needs of those in the secular world.  Volunteer chaplains are in high demand and can minister to hurting people in numerous places:  hospitals, fire departments, law enforcement, hospices, educational institutions, MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), prisons, disaster sites, nursing homes, homeless shelters, and motorcycle rallies.  Chaplains are taught to minister to the individual not just by words but also by good deeds – showing the love of God to people in practical, caring ways, regardless of the individual’s personal beliefs.  We cannot pick and choose who is hurting around us; we must have tolerance and understanding to help all people!

  • Two Full Days of Training
  • 16 hours of workshop material
  • Chaplain Badge
  • FREE Bonus Training
  • Affordable
  • Accredited

Course Enquire

Equiry Form- Destop

In Total



2 Days

Pastors, Chaplain, Leaders, Bible Scholars

Course Enquire

Equiry Form-Mobile



We Currently running a Two Full Days of Training:

Friday and Saturday: (8:00am – 5:00pm)

Training Curriculum

The training consists of 16 hours of workshop material that provides the foundation for effective practical application to chaplaincy.  Since we are recognized as an a-vocational school, this certification will give you the tools necessary to volunteer as a chaplain.  With volunteer experience and further education, you will be able to secure employment should you choose to do so.

Employment chaplaincy requirements are discussed during class and we make every effort [within reason] to support you to go further.  We have ecclesiastical endorsement through Crisis Chaplaincy of America


Attendance Requirement


A Two Days Crisis & Disaster Chaplaincy Training


Course Outline

  • Introduction to Chaplaincy
  • The Nature and Definition of Crisis
  • The Principle of Trichotomy
  • Gauging Successful Crisis Intervention
  • Active and Reflective Listening
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Boundaries in Care Giving
  • Crisis and Spirituality
  • Stuck for the Right Words
  • Understanding Family Dynamics
  • Coping with Trauma and Grief
  • Ethics & Integrity
  • A Brief Look at Mental Health & Suicide
  • Chaplaincy and Social Media
  • Disasters & Mass Casualty Events
  • Medical Examiner Death Notice to Families Training

FREE Bonus Training:

Psychological First Aid (4 HR CEU Credit included)

Curriculum and Fees for a Two Full Days of Training:

Friday and Saturday: (8:00am – 5:00pm)

Fees Breakdown

  • Application: $20.00
  • Tuition: $30.00
  • Books and Study Materials: $350.00
  • Lunch $35.00
  • Total: $435.00

Once your application is received, it is reviewed and a background check if performed.  Upon clearance, you will receive an acceptance letter and an invoice for the registration fees. 

Registration fees are transferable or refundable due to schedule conflicts.  Registration payments are made through our website. Any refund will reflect a holding fee percentage of 25% of total paid

Training Materials

This training course includes training material workbooks, certificate, credentialing badge, lunch, and snacks.

Chaplain Badge

Badges are renewable on an annual basis for a nominal fee of $125. 

Refund Policy:

Dropping courses may have financial penalties and academic penalties. Students who drop courses 2 Weeks before the start date will receive full credit on their accounts for all payments made (if applicable) toward tuition fees and Study Materials fees

Should the student be terminated, or the registration is canceled for any reason, all refunds will be made according to the following refund schedule:

  1. Cancellation after the third (3rd) business day, but before the first day of class, will result in a refund of all monies paid except for the application fee.
  2. Cancellation of the contract by the student must be made by certified mail or in person and in writing.

Camp of God Bible Institute will refund:

  1. 100% of tuition charges if the student withdrawal takes place within five (5) calendar days after signing an Enrollment Agreement and making an initial payment.
  2. The Drop/Add period is the first five days of classes (Monday through Friday) close of business. There will be a refund if the student withdraws “on” or during the drop/add week.
  3. If the student withdraws after the drop/add week, their refund will follow the following schedule:
  • 2ndWeek of class – 75%
  • 3rdWeek of class and later – No refund.
  • We offer 75% refund for unused workbook and textbook

Application fees are non-refundable and must be paid in U. S. dollars.

  1. If the college does not accept the enrollment, all monies paid by the student to the college shall be refunded and the student and college shall be released from further obligation.
  2. If a student is withdrawn from a class due to a class cancellation, the student is entitled to a full refund.
  3. Refunds will be made within 30 days of termination or receipt of cancellation notice.

Subject to the date of official withdrawal, tuition and fees will be refunded according to the schedule above. Should disciplinary measures that require the withdrawal of a student the above refund schedule will apply.





Begin application by filling all details in and requirement our application form and paying a one time application fee


After Admissions has been granted and all required payments has been made, you will begin documentation processes on our portal


Begin taking classes online/offline and get certified, equipped and trained with the truth of God's Word to be maturing followers of Christ.




  • Camp of God Bible Institute exists to develop world-impacting Christian leaders through biblical, theological and ministerial training that is high-quality, affordable and accessible.

    Akinruli Paul
  • Camp of God Bible Institute exists to develop world-impacting Christian leaders through biblical, theological and ministerial training that is high-quality, affordable and accessible.

    Adedipe Tunji